“Chess” perform “Queen Forever” to a capacity crowd

The fabulous band, Chess, performed their show “Queen Forever” to a capacity crowd on behalf of the Teulada–Moraira Lions on Saturday the 2nd February, in the Auditori Municipal in Ondara.

During the build up to the show the atmosphere in the theatre was electric, and a great feeling of anticipation was clearly evident amongst the audience as Lion, Brian Clarke, went on stage to introduce the band – and they were not to be disappointed! 

The show kicked off with high energy and superb showmanship with Charlie Joss and the band paying tribute to one of the most iconic rock bands ever – Queen.  All the greatest Queen hits were performed flawlessly, with terrific musicianship and harmony.  Standing ovations were the order of the day, and with excellent stage production and sound and lighting by Magnum productions, many of our audience considered this to be the best concert the TM Lions have yet staged, and that is saying something!

Our next concert on the 6th April features the excellent Liverpool Band, and the show promises to be simply superb. This concert is being held in the magnificent Auditori in Teulada, and we are very grateful to the Teulada–Moraira Ayuntamiento for granting us use of this wonderful venue.  The Liverpool Band are a group of local Spanish musicians whose tribute to the Beatles is unsurpassed. With authentic instruments, stage act and excellent vocal harmonies, this will be a concert to remember.  If you are a Beatles fan, don’t miss this!

Tickets can be purchased in several ways. Further details can be found by clicking here.

Liverpool Band(+ admin) 2019

For tickets and information on all our concerts please call 966 499 954 or email: tmlions.concerts@gmail.com

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Posted in Concerts, Fundraising