The Teulada–Moraira Lions Club Summer Concerts 2018

The Teulada-Moraira Lions present the summer concerts on the seafront by the Castle in Moraira free of charge, but donations, the majority of which go to local good causes, are very much appreciated.

The local veteran rock band “Contraband” put on a splendid performance on behalf of the Teulada–Moraira Lions on Sunday the 24th June at the seafront in Moraira.  A relatively small but enthusiastic crowd (world cup season) enjoyed the band’s vast repertoire and joined in singing and dancing the night away.  And to prove what great guys they are, the band even donated their fee to the charity!

The second summer concert staged this year was on Sunday, 8th July, when Bella Luna, a local Spanish duo, gave a sparkling performance for the Lions.  They kept the crowd enthralled with a terrific show that had the entire audience up and dancing.  The music mix was superb featuring both Spanish and English songs that showcased the duo’s vocal talents to the full.


On what is likely to prove one of the hottest nights of the year, “SWAG”, a local pop band put on a sizzling performance for the Teulada – Moraira Lions on the seafront in Moraira on Sunday, 5th August.

The band had the audience up and packing the dance area from the first to last which included 2 encores! A great show on a very warm summer night in lovely Moraira.  Our MC for the evening, Brian Clarke, and Lion President, Laura Hillstead, thanked all involved with the show, especially the band, the Ayuntamiento and the generous audience.


The final show on Sunday, 19th August once again features the very popular local band “SWAG” who already have a big following in the area.  This will be a repeat of the excellent performance they gave at the concert on 5th August.  Once again, this show should be a great mix of popular music to “get you moving”.  There will also be a special guest – local singer, Adam Daniels.


The Teulada-Moraira Lions present the summer concerts on the seafront by the Castle in Moraira free of charge, but donations, the majority of which all go to local good causes, are very much appreciated.

There will be a bar which is run by the local festeros and the proceeds from this go to help fund the Moors and Christians festival.

For information about the TM Lions email: or 966 499 954

Posted in Concerts, Fundraising